Percentage Distribution of Households in Palestine by Wastewater Disposal Method, Region, and Locality Type, 2015  

Wastewater Disposal Method Region and Locality Type
Wastewater Network Porous Cesspit Tight Cesspit Others Total
53.9 31.8 13.5 0.8 100 Palestine
60.0 28.1 11.1 0.8 100 Urban
8.0 61.5 29.3 1.2 100 Rural
93.2 4.2 2.6 0.0 100 Camps
38.4 43.3 17.1 1.2 100 West Bank
45.8 39.4 13.5 1.3 100 Urban
7.6 61.9 29.3 1.2 100 Rural
86.2 8.7 5.1 0.0 100 Camps
83.5 9.8 6.7 0.0 100 Gaza Strip
82.9 10.0 7.1 0.0 100 Urban
14.6 55.9 29.5 0.0 100 Rural
98.2 0.9 0.9 0.0 100 Camps